This not-exactly-unique-but-often-requested beginner's workshop comes complete with a personal guarantee that absolutely no one leaves the building without fully comprehending exposure in Manual mode on their fancy-pants camera.
Understanding the exposure triangle (aperture, shutter speed, ISO) and knowing how to make it work for you is absolutely essential if you wish (and you do) to gain full creative control over the beautiful images you will soon be creating. No pressure there, eh...
We'll learn basic photo editing using the free Picasa photo editing program from Google.
We'll also explore the basic rules of composition and discuss why you might break those rules pretty much whenever you feel like it.
Finally, we'll take an in-depth look at creative perspective and point of view as a means of further opening to our artistic potential.
We'll also explore the basic rules of composition and discuss why you might break those rules pretty much whenever you feel like it.
Finally, we'll take an in-depth look at creative perspective and point of view as a means of further opening to our artistic potential.
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