What's Up?

Yes. These are creative photography courses. 
Our tools are Light, a Camera,
your unique personal vision and
your soon-to-be-revitalized imagination.

The journey is one of contemplative self-discovery.

Creative expression.
Enhanced self-awareness.
Human connection.

Come Inspire Us.
Mixed into the warm, gooey center of our human being-ness lies a spark. Perhaps it's the spark of creation. Or maybe it's a gift from the original architect of Life, whomever or whatever you might perceive that to be. For me, the how or why of the spark's existence is something I've always figured we simply don't get to know. Part of the mystery of Life. But acknowledging the idea that it exists at all, gloriously alive inside each and every one of us, is profoundly important. True, we don't walk our everyday lives feeling this tiny spark bouncing around in there. But most of us have experienced moments when it has ignited and suddenly burst forth as a flame within us. It may express as love or passion. Sometimes it expresses as the human ability to find hope. Often it shows itself in our creativity, whether that manifests as creative problem solving or a beautiful work of art. It doesn't matter. It only matters that we recognize the gift it brings. 
As near as I can name it, the energy that ignites this little spark and coaxes it to burn is Inspiration.  When we fall in love, it is either because we feel inspired by the energies we perceive in another human being, or we love whatever it is that they are inspiring inside ourselves. Probably both! Or when we experience hope, especially in places where the odds seem against us, it's because something is inspiring us to keep putting one foot ahead of the other, sometimes through difficulties we never would have imagined we had the strength or courage to stand in. 
And as for the awakening of your creative superhero, well... Life inspires Art and Art inspires life. And artists (that's you & me) inspire artists (also you & me).
Get the picture?

Please consider asking your spouse, 
partner, loved one, significant other, 
somewhat semi-significant other, 
or perhaps your BFF to join you 
in an adventure of artistic spirit.

Class is limited to 10 creative geniuses. 
Too much brilliance in one room 
would simply overwhelm.


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